Convert km to nmi

Kilometer (km)


The kilometer, a derivative unit of the meter in the metric system, was introduced during the French Revolution as part of the newly established metric system. It is defined as 1,000 meters. The adoption of the kilometer was part of a broader movement towards decimal-based measurement systems in Europe, designed for ease of calculation and standardization of measurements.


  • The introduction of the kilometer represented a significant step in the standardization of measurements on a global scale, promoting uniformity in scientific and geographical data.
  • Its base-10 definition aligns seamlessly with the international system of units, making it intuitive for calculations and conversions.


The kilometer is extensively used worldwide, predominantly for measuring geographical distances and lengths in fields like geography, meteorology, and sports. It is particularly common in countries that have adopted the metric system for road distances, maps, and athletic events such as long-distance races.

Nautical Mile (nmi)


The nautical mile was historically defined as one minute of latitude on a chart, making it a natural fit for navigation. This unit of distance is linked to the circumference of the Earth and is set at exactly 1,852 meters or about 1.15078 statute miles. Its exact value was agreed upon in 1929 at the International Extraordinary Hydrographic Conference in Monaco, which was instrumental in standardizing nautical measurements worldwide.


  • The nautical mile is of particular importance in aviation and maritime activities, as it corresponds to one minute of latitude, thus linking distance to the geometric properties of the Earth.
  • It is also used for the demarcation of international maritime boundaries, known as the ’12 nautical mile limit’.


Today, the nautical mile is primarily used in maritime and air navigation to measure travel distances and location coordinates. It is also utilized in meteorology for the measurement of storm movement and in oceanography for the delineation of marine territories.